
Happy Birthday Quantum Physics

Planck’s Law

When Max Planck decided on a career in physics, Munich professor Philipp von Jolly advised him against it on the basis that there was little left to discover in the field. Little did he know at the time that Planck would go on to earn a Nobel Prize in physics in 1918 for his discoveries and become one of the most admired scientists of all time.

Physicist Max Planck

One Sunday afternoon in 1900, Physicist Max Planck was entertaining fellow physicist Heinrich Rubens in his home in Berlin. Rubens was an accomplished experimentalist and was working on a problem called “The Ultraviolet Catastrophe” for several years, although it wasn’t called that until 1911. This was a case where experimental data was not lining up with theoretical, mathematical equations that physicists had devised up to that point. After Rubens left, Planck spent the rest of the evening trying come up with a more accurate, less catastrophic equation to fit Ruben’s experimental data.

Max Planck Institute of Physics

In one evening, Planck managed to derive a mathematical equation that was in excellent agreement with Ruben’s experimental data. Before retiring to bed that evening, he jotted down his now famous blackbody radiation formula onto a postcard and mailed it to Rubens.  What Planck managed to do was reverse engineer the data Ruben’s had accumulated, and arrive at his results by “lucky guess-work.” He came up with a “fudge” number now known as Planck’s Constant “h” to make the math work. Planck’s constant = 6.62607004 × 10-34 m2 kg/s is now ubiquitous throughout the field of quantum physics. At that time, Planck did not have a physical interpretation for his formula, he just knew that the numbers worked.

Planck worked for two months to come up with what is now knows as “Planck’s Law,” which describes energy as manifesting in the form of discrete levels, now called “quanta,” instead of the linear manifestation that nearly everyone assumed up to that point.  He presented his findings to the German Physical Society on December 14, 1900, the day now widely regarded as the birthday of quantum physics and also a demarcation point between the eras of “classical physics” and “quantum physics.”

One Sunday afternoon in 1900, Physicist Max Planck was entertaining fellow physicist Heinrich Rubens in his home in Berlin. Rubens was an accomplished experimentalist and was working on a problem called “The Ultraviolet Catastrophe” for several years, although it wasn’t called that until 1911. This was a case where experimental data was not lining up with theoretical, mathematical equations that physicists had devised up to that point. After Rubens left, Planck spent the rest of the evening trying come up with a more accurate, less catastrophic equation to fit Ruben’s experimental data.

In one evening, Planck managed to derive a mathematical equation that was in excellent agreement with Ruben’s experimental data. Before retiring to bed that evening, he jotted down his now famous blackbody radiation formula onto a postcard and mailed it to Rubens.  What Planck managed to do was reverse engineer the data Ruben’s had accumulated, and arrive at his results by “lucky guess-work.” At that time, Planck did not have a physical interpretation for his formula, he just knew that the numbers worked.

Planck worked for two months to come up with what is now knows as “Planck’s Law,” which describes energy as manifesting in the form of discrete levels, now called “quanta,” instead of the linear manifestation that nearly everyone assumed up to that point.  He presented his findings to the German Physical Society on December 14, 1900, the day now widely regarded as the birthday of quantum physics and also a demarcation point between the eras of “classical physics” and “quantum physics.”

Planck’s Equation

The Ultraviolet Catastrophe
(Rayleigh-Jeans Catastrophe)

Planck’s law solved a problem Physicists were grappling with, now known as The Ultraviolet Catastrophe or Rayleigh-Jeans Catastrophe. This has to do with radiation from so-called black-bodies, theoretical objects that absorb all radiation and reflect none. Think of a fire poker iron, you heat it up and it starts to turn red, heat it up some more and it turns white-hot. This is the concept here. When a blackbody is heated it will give of light, the frequency of which is related to the amount of heat applied to the body.

Typical blackbody curve

The spectra of light emitted is usually drawn on a graph called a blackbody curve where the intensity of light is the y-axis and wavelength (frequency) of the light emitted on the x-axis. The lines on the graph represent the various range of temperatures.

Classical physicists were working hard on a theoretical description of the blackbody curve. They assumed charged particles (electrons) were being “excited” when heated causing the emission of radiation. They weren’t far off from the truth, as we now know that electrons dropping from higher energy levels to lower energy levels release photons of light energy, although this is a highly simplified way of understanding it.

By 1900 British physicist Lord Rayleigh and Sir James Jeans had devised an equation that accurately aligned with the experimental data for frequencies lower than 10^5 GHZ. Above that, their curve starts to fly off the page into infinity, which was not was observed in the lab.

Rayleigh-Jeans Equation
  • Bν(v,T) is the spectral radiance (the power per unit solid angle and per unit of area normal to the propagation) density of frequency ν radiation per unit frequency at thermal equilibrium at temperature T
  • c is the speed of light in a vacuum
  • kB is the Boltzmann constant (1.38064852 × 10-23 m2 kg s-2 K-1)
  • ν is the frequency of the electromagnetic radiation
  • T is the absolute temperature of the body

The Royal Institute

Max Planck was able to fix this equation by assuming that the energy levels of the oscillating charged particles (electrons) could NOT assume any level, but were bound to certain fixed energy levels. He imagined the energy levels being spaced evenly like rungs on a ladder. The classical view of physics assumed any energy level would be permitted. Thus, a revolution in physics had begun which changed everything.

Quantum Weirdness

Over the next several decades Quantum Theory progressed into a strange world hardly recognizable to classical physicists. Some of the ideas uncovered included the following:

Wave/Particle Duality

Many people probably assume that Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize in Physics for his now famous Theory of Relativity. However, it was actually for his work on the photoelectric effect which describes light as acting sometimes like a particle (quanta) and sometimes like a wave. Physicist Luis De Brolies picked up on this idea and produced the concept of “matter waves,” the idea that particles of matter exhibit behavior as waves as well as particles.

The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

Werner Heisenberg (not the Breaking Bad guy) devised the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle which expresses the fact that the product of uncertainties in certain pairs of observables (like position and momentum) has a minimum value approximately equal to Planck’s constant. This basically means that you can’t measure things at the atomic level without affecting the measurement in some way, therefore there is always a certain amount of uncertainty involved causing things at the atomic level to be probabilistic in nature. This idea never sat well with Einstein, and he spent a good portion of his career trying to disprove the concept. You see this probabilistic nature of matter at the atomic level is not just caused by imprecise measurements, it’s a fundamental law of life at the microscopic level.

Particles Don’t Exist Until they are Observed

This big ugly mess of math is called Schrodinger’s equation:

University of Graz

It describes matter in terms of wave functions, but once a particle is observed, the wave function collapses into a particle.

Quantum Entanglement

Too complex to go into here, but the quirky thing about this one is that two particles can apparently “communicate” with each other at great distances with speeds greater than the speed of light, which according to Einstein’s theory of relativity is supposed to be impossible.

Many other theories and equations have arisen since the dawn of the quantum age of physics, too numerous to account for here.


NASA Rover “7 Minutes of Terror” Video Released

NASA’s latest Mars rover Perseverance has sent back video of its landing. For the first time the landing of a Mars rover has been recorded in real time and transmitted back to Earth for our viewing pleasure.

The Entry Descent and Landing “EDL” of Mars rover Perseverance, dubbed the “7 Minutes of Terror” where literally thousands of things had to go right to avoid catastrophe, was mostly captured by onboard cameras.

Landing this rover was more challenging than previous rovers because of its larger size and the terrain it was targeted for in the Jezero crater. The craft made use of new landing technology called Terrain-Relative Navigation. This technology uses a special camera to quickly identify features on the surface which are compared to an onboard map to determine the safest spot to land. The video contains a play-by-play by Ground Control.
This rover landing also made use of the so-called “Skycrane Manuever” which used a jetpack tethered to the rover to gently lower the it to the surface of Mars. Previous rover missions used airbag deployments where the rover was allowed to bounce off the surface of Mars until it came to a halt.

Courtesy of JPL – Caltech

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Sounds From Mars! First Audio from Martian Surface Arrive.

NASA’s Perseverance rover, which is equipped with microphones, sends back audio recordings of Martian surface. The first is unfiltered and contains noise from the rover itself. The second contains filtered sound and you can hear a little bit of wind.

This is the first time a Mars rover has been equipped with microphones.

Unfiltered with Rover noise
Filtered without Rover noise

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NASA’s Mars Perseverance Rover Sends “Selfie” of Its Landing

Perseverance rover sent a still photo from its jetpack showing the tethered “Skycrane” maneuver just prior to touchdown. Unlike previous rover landings, Perseverance is too large to use the airbag landing method and had to be gently lowered from about 20 meters above the surface by a jetpack tethered to the rover.

The rover landed on Mars on February 18th and is going through a testing and validation phase as well as receiving software updates before fully deploying on its mission.


Mars Perseverance Rover Sends Back First Color Images After Landing

Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech

NASA’s Mars Perseverance Rover, which landed on the Martian Surface on February 18th, has sent back some of its first full color images. These images are not from the MASTCAM-Z camera system, but from the hazard avoidance cameras.

Perseverance is still testing and “unfolding” its equipment in preparation for its upcoming mission. More images and video of the landing are expected to be released in a few days.

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Touchdown! NASA’s Rover Perseverance Lands Safely on Red Planet

Members of NASA’s Perseverance rover team react in mission control after receiving confirmation the spacecraft successfully touched down on Mars, Thursday, Feb. 18, 2021, at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. A key objective for Perseverance’s mission on Mars is astrobiology, including the search for signs of ancient microbial life. The rover will characterize the planet’s geology and past climate, pave the way for human exploration of the Red Planet, and be the first mission to collect and cache Martian rock and regolith. Photo Credit: (NASA/Bill Ingalls)

Cheers erupted from the Mars Perseverance EDL (Entry Descent Landing) war room as the rover completed its “7 Minutes of Terror” (a nickname for the 7 minutes of EDL where literally thousands of things have to go right) to safely land in the Jezero crater. The rover captured its entire Entry Descent and Landing on camera and is expected to transmit the video back to Earth later today.


NASA’s Mars Rover Perseverance Set to Touchdown This Week

NASA’s rover Perseverance is set to make its landing on Mars on February 18th. The rover launched for Mars on July 30, 2020 from Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida aboard the hulking Atlas V-541 rocket. The largest of the interplanetary rockets, the V-541 stands 191 feet (58 meters) high with payload and weighing 1.17 million pounds (531,000 kg) fully loaded.

Credit NASA | JPL-Caltech


It took 6 months 19 days (203 days) traveling at a speed of 24,600 mph (about 39,600 kph) for Perseverance to make the 300 million mile journey to Mars. It’s set to touchdown in the Jezero crater which according to research was once a lake. The purpose of the mission is to find evidence of microbial life which could have existed during one of the crater’s wet times.

Entry Decent and Landing

Landing this rover is technologically more challenging than previous rovers. Perseverance is too large to use the airbag method used in previous rover landings and the terrain where the rover is to land is also much more treacherous than previous landing areas. The landing is expected to take about 7 minutes not counting the pre-entry stage.

Credit NASA | JPL-Caltech


Ten minutes before entering the atmosphere, the spacecraft sheds its cruise stage, which houses solar panels, radios, and fuel tanks used during its flight to Mars. Only the protective aeroshell – with rover and descent stage inside – makes the trip to the surface.

Parachute Deployment

Once the heatshield has slowed the spacecraft’s decent to under 1,000 miles per hour (1,600 kilometers per hour), a range-triggered parachute (a new technology) 70.5 feet (21.5 meters) in diameter will deploy at an altitude of around 7 miles (11 kilometers)

Zeroing In on Landing

After the parachute deploys, the heat shield drops away and the rover is exposed to the atmosphere of Mars. At this time a new EDL technology – Terrain-Relative Navigation – kicks in. This technology uses a special camera to quickly identify features on the surface which are compared to an onboard map to determine the safest spot to land

Powered Descent

Because of the low density of the Martian atmosphere, the parachute is only able to slow the vehicle to about 200 miles per hour (320 kilometers per hour). To safely touch down, the rover must free itself of the parachute at about 6,900 feet (2,100 meters) above the surface and ride the rest of the way down using the rocket powered descent stage. The descent stage diverts itself clear of the parachute and backshell coming down behind it.

Skycrane Maneuver

The descent stage slows the descent speed to about 1.7 miles per hour (2.7 kilometers per hour) and begins the “Skycrane” maneuver. With about 12 seconds before touchdown, at about 66 feet (20 meters) above the surface, the descent stage lowers the rover on a set of cables about 21 feet (6.4 meters) long. Meanwhile, the rover unstows its mobility system, locking its legs and wheels into landing position.

As soon as the rover senses that its wheels have touched the ground, it quickly cuts the cables connecting it to the descent stage. This frees the descent stage to fly off to make its own uncontrolled landing on the surface, a safe distance away from Perseverance.

Credit NASA | JPL-Caltech

Mission Equipment


Attached to the bottom of Perseverance is one of the coolest parts of the mission, a small proof of concept helicopter called ingenuity. NASA’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter is the first aircraft humanity has sent to another planet to attempt powered, controlled flight. Although it has no instruments and is just a ride-along Mars 2020 Perseverance mission, it has an important engineering mission of its own; to show that rotary flight is possible in the very thin atmosphere of Mars. The atmosphere of Mars is around 1% of earth’s, making these kinds of rotary powered flights extremely challenging.

Credit NASA | JPL-Caltech


Perseverance is carrying two microphones to Mars. One is an experimental mic to capture sounds of landing, and the other is for science. The atmosphere of Mars has a very different temperature, density, and chemistry than Earth, which has effects on sound.

Sample Caching

The Perseverance rover will gather samples from Martian rocks using its drill. These sample cores will be stored in tubes on the Martian surface for a possible future mission to pick them up and bring them back to earth. This process is called “Sample Caching”. There are 43 sample tubes and 5 “Witness Tubes”. The Witness Tubes are pre-loaded with a variety of witness materials that can capture molecular and particulate contaminates from the rover or Earthly organic or inorganic material that may have arrived on Mars with the rover. These tubes will be used as experimental controls for the sample tubes.

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Credit NASA | JPL-Caltech

Perseverance Rover contains

7 main instruments

1: MASTCAM-Z – Perseverance’s Mastcam-Z has improved 3D camera capabilities with the ability to zoom both lenses. Mastcam-Z will have the ability to view the landscape in a variety of colors (wavelengths of light), including some that can’t be detected by the human eye.

2: SUPERCAM  – Fires a pulsed laser beam out of the rover’s mast, or “head,” to vaporize small portions of rock from a distance to identify the chemical composition of rocks and soils, including their atomic and molecular makeup. From more than 20 feet (~7 meters) away, SuperCam can fire a laser to study rock targets smaller than a pencil point. That lets Perseverance study spots it can’t reach with its arm.

3: MEDA – Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer will make measurements of the Martian environment including wind speed and direction as well as temperature and humidity. It will also measure the amount and size of dust particles in the Martian atmosphere

4: SHERLOC – Scanning Habitable Environments with Raman & Luminescence for Organics & Chemicals  Mounted on the rover’s robotic arm, SHERLOC uses cameras, spectrometers, and a laser to search for organics and minerals that have been altered by watery environments and that may be signs of past microbial life. In addition to its black-and-white context camera, SHERLOC is assisted by WATSON, a color camera for taking close-up images of rock grains and surface textures.

5: PIXL – Planetary Instrument for X-ray Lithochemistry. PIXL uses an X-ray spectrometer which can identify chemical elements on a tiny scale. PIXL also has a camera capable of taking close up pictures of rocks and identifying particles as small as a grain of salt.

6: MOXIE – Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment. The purpose of this instrument is to produce Oxygen from the Martian carbon-dioxide atmosphere. This will demonstrate a possible way for future explorers to produce oxygen for breathing and to use as a propellant.

7: RIMFAX – Radar Imager for Mars’ Subsurface Experiment will uses ground-penetrating radar to see geographical features underneath the surface of the ground beneath the rover.

Watch live #CountdownToMars coverage from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, starting at 2:15 p.m. EST:
