
The True Meaning of The Easter Holiday


This is some of the symbolism of the Old Testament and how it relates to Jesus:

Egypt – Represents the world and our sinful life before coming to Jesus.

Water into Blood – This was the first plague God unleashed on Egypt through Moses to free the people from bondage. Jesus turning water into wine is the first miracle recorded that Jesus performed in his ministry to free the people from the bondage of sin. Wine representing the blood of Jesus, shed for us.

Lambs blood on the doorpost – Jesus is called the sacrificial Lamb of God, his blood, having been shed for us, protects us from going to Hell. Just as the spirit of death did not look inside the door to see who was worthy to live, he only saw the blood on the doorpost, God only looks at our heart to see if we’ve been washed clean of sin by Jesus’ blood. It’s not a matter of how good we are, it’s purely a matter of whether we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior.

Escaping through the parted Red Sea – This is symbolic of water baptism which is a ritual performed by Christians whereby a minister immerses us individually into water. When we rise from the water, we put away our old life and start a new life with Jesus Christ. When the Hebrews passed through the water, their old life of bondage to Egypt (sin) was gone and they were headed on a new path.

Israel, the Promised Land – In the Old Testament, Israel, where God wanted His people to dwell, was called the Promised Land, the land of milk and honey, because it was very fertile. This represents the Christian state after a person has decided to follow Jesus Christ and has been baptized. The Christian life is not easy as some TV preachers would have you believe, but it is greatly rewarding.

Easter Eggs and Easter Bunny’s

What do Easter eggs and bunnies have to do with Jesus? Very little. Easter egg traditions are more grounded in pagan traditions than Christianity. Eggs are symbolic of Spring and fertility which many pagan religions are steeped in. Same with bunnies, rabbits are known for their fertility. So, much of this symbolism is related to pagan worship and really has no place in the Christian Church although some have made the argument that the eggs represent a new life which somehow supposed to symbolize Jesus’ resurrection. I personally find this to be a stretch.